Історичний момент: Меган Маркл і принц Гаррі востаннє з'явилися на публіці разом з королівською родиною

Принц Гаррі і його дружина Меган Маркл, які раніше відмовилися від титулів, в останній раз взяли участь у публічному заході в якості членів королівської сім'ї

Історичний момент: Меган Маркл і принц Г…
Instagram sussexroyal

Фото історичного моменту з'явилися в мережі, передає Depo.ua.

Подружжя побувало на службі у Вестмінстерському абатстві з нагоди дня Співдружності націй.


This afternoon, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on Commonwealth Day, alongside Her Majesty The Queen and Members of The Royal Family. The Commonwealth is a global network of 54 countries, working in collaboration towards shared economic, environmental, social and democratic goals, and the Service today seeks to highlight the vast community which spans every geographical region, religion and culture, embracing diversity amongst its population of 2.4 billion people, of which 60 percent are under 30 years old. As President and Vice-President of the @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been passionate advocates of the Commonwealth having spent many years working closely with the next generation of Commonwealth leaders. The theme of the Commonwealth for 2020 is ‘Delivering A Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming', placing emphasis on youth, the environment, trade, governance, and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) and innovation. From working to protect the earth's natural resources and preserving the planet for generations to come, to championing fair trade and empowering the youth of today to transform the communities of tomorrow, the Service celebrates the Commonwealth's continued commitment to delivering a peaceful, prosperous and more sustainable future for all. Photo © PA

Публикация от The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)

Також захід відвідали королева Єлизавета II, принц Чарльз, принц Вільям і його дружина Кейт Міддлтон, прем'єр-міністр Британії Борис Джонсон і його подруга Керрі Сімондс.


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined The Queen and Members of @TheRoyalFamily for the annual #CommonwealthDay Service at Westminster Abbey. The Commonwealth represents a global network of 54 countries working in collaboration towards shared economic, environmental, social and democratic goals — the Commonwealth theme for 2020 is Delivering A Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming. Her Majesty The Queen was 26 years old when she became Head of the Commonwealth in 1952 — important symbolic and unifying role. As Head, Her Majesty personally reinforces the links by which the Commonwealth joins people together from around the world. From working to protect the earth's natural resources and preserving the planet for generations to come, to championing fair trade and empowering the youth of today to transform the communities of tomorrow, this year’s Service celebrated the Commonwealth's continued commitment to delivering a peaceful, prosperous and more sustainable future for all. #CommonwealthDelivers

Публикация от Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

Нагадаємо, Меган Маркл і принц Гаррі вперше після скандалу приїхали разом до Британії і захопили мережу своїм виглядом. 

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