Sytnyk Faces 2 Years in Prison for Selling Land in Crimea and Usurpation of Power

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has launched a criminal investigation into an alleged sale by NABU Director Artem Sytnyk of a land plot in Crimea.  Sytnyk is also accused of usurpation of power and abuse of office

Sytnyk Faces 2 Years in Prison for Selli…
Photo: NABU / Facebook

UNIAN reports.

The SBI has opened criminal proceedings registered under No. 4779ЗKP in response to a complaint lodged by the TV presenter Dmytro Spivak under Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.  The Director of the National Anticorruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, is accused of selling a land plot in Sevastopol, Crimea, under Russian law for USD 40 thousand, which the NABU Director has allegedly failed to report in his financial disclosures. Sytnyk is potentially facing 2 years in prison under that statute.  The TV presenter has also filed another complaint alleging Sytnyk usurped power when refusing to comply with a ruling of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine finding his appointment unlawful.

The land plot in the occupied Crimea (plot B-65, gardening society ‘Mirage’, Nakhimov District, Sevastopol) was registered by Sytnyk’s wife in her own name under Russian law. Sytnyk has denied its alienation. The land plot was actually sold in 2017 with taxes paid to the Russian authorities.  The sale of the land for RUB 900 thousand is corroborated by extracts from the Russian property registers, a contract of sale and other documents.  

Just as a reminder, Oleksandr Dubinskiy, MP, of the Servant of the People faction has also filed a complaint with the State Bureau of Investigation seeking the opening of a criminal investigation against Director Sytnyk challenging his failure to comply with the ruling of the Constitutional Court. If charged under Articles 109 (actions aimed at a forcible change of government or subversion of the constitutional order), Section 2 of Article 353 (usurpation of power or official title by wearing an official uniform or using a law enforcement officer’s ID), and Section 4 of Article 382 (wilful contempt by a public official of a judgement of the European Court of Human Rights, ruling by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, wilful failure to comply with an judgement handed down by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine), and Article 364 (abuse of power or office) Sytnyk potentially faces 10 years behind bars and confiscation of property.

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