Без сорому: Модель Playboy показує гарячі фото в мережі (18+)

Популярна модель Рейчел Вільямс шокує читачів свого Instagram відвертими фото 

Без сорому: Модель Playboy показує гаряч…

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What makes someone impressive? I believe every human has a different answer to this which makes me wonder why on earth we strive to meet the standards of society as a whole or even just one individual. I think the search for fulfillment got buried beneath the search for "success". Because of social pressures, because of parents, because of competitive egos, because of pride. I encourage you to re-focus your attention to doing the things that truly illuminate you. Not to be confused with the things that drown (or numb) out your hearts calling. Find the things you love and don't be embarrassed or apologetic for it. Me being unapologetically my weirdo, vulnerable, open self has made every truly significant moment of my life happen. I love you. You are supported by people you can't even see. You just have to trust.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


I simply changed my photo Because I wanted it to represent the energy shift I've experienced in the last few months. A lighter being. One with less baggage. One with less agitation. Less resentment. Less self-pity. Less self consciousness. Less anxiety. More energy. More appreciation. More perspective. More gratitude. More understanding. More in tune with me, with others, with this space. There is a lot of corruption, anger, low level vibrations going on in these times but I urge you to put yourself in water. Re-root yourself in truths. Come out with a steady and firm voice. We know what we're up against in our lifetimes, let's conquer gracefully.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


I think one of the hardest lessons We have to learn is that we are nobody's savior. Everyone is responsible for their own evolution. I think you have to want evolution at all in order to obtain it. You can find guidence but it is your own choice as to whether you want to dive in or not. Transformation involves lots of heart break and growing pain. A realization that you desire a lighter load. A life with ease that requires boundaries and constant nourishment. Those boundaries are for every one and every thing in your life that is keeping you from reaching your capacity of joy. The toughest thing you will do is to cultivate an environment that is encouraging and loving. That means you inevitably have to remove toxic people from your space which is hard to do with people that you love but, if they have no desire to grow, they are hindering your growth. If you see someone look at you with resentment for you joy rather than encouragement for you to go further into your joy, that deserves no place in your life. Unconditionally love them, wish them well, and move forward. I have deep love for every person reading this and I hope you dive deeper in realizing what brings you joy and what keeps you from it. Take steps. Do the work. Do what makes you illuminate.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


How tight do you hold those around you? How much do we depend on them to ease the pain? How much of our suffering do we pin onto someone or something irritable? We falsely label the source of our pain. It was the lady in front of me in line that pissed me off. It was my lover saying something insensitive that brought me to tears. We accumulate trigger words that sting and send us spiraling. There is a deeper layer. There is a hurt inside of you that needs your attention. I've had people leave my life for not supressing my hurt. For being too heavy at times. Apauled that my light went out and that I have to go through a process of rekindling it. One in which actually takes real time and energy to tend to. *Side note a process in which the pros laugh their way through because they understand the higher purpose. I've seen people supress their hurt for months, for years, for lifetimes, and guess how many trigger words they've accumulated? Have you ever seen someone in their older age who gets pissed at just about everything? I can see myself turning into an asshole cynical old lady much more easily than I can see myself with a soft open heart. But that's the entire message. That enduring the walk through your suffering takes work. It is not easy. It is embarrassing and revealing and brings you to very low lows. But ultimately your life is walked with no baggage, no trigger words, healthy relationships, and PEACE OF DAMN MIND. We're all living, we're not all actively a part of the process. Go through your shit and I promise you there is a ton of humans going through it too. And hopefully your life will end up full of those people who live and love hard as hell. Love you guys. Rant done.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


I'm reading The Road To Character by David Brooks There's a quote that resonated with me "You need a strategy to build character, without that, your inner life and external life will eventually fall to pieces" It forces you to consider the cause and effect of your being. I remember considering these same things a few years ago. I would make lists. I had lists of characteristics all over my room and in my phone. I thought about my eulogy. I thought about the words my children would use to describe me if I became a mother. I wanted to feel like grace, unconditional love, compassion, humility.. I wanted these things to be the foundation of my being. This book only accidentally came into my life a few days ago because I bought two books and the lady at the register told me to run back and get a third for free.. with a line of people waiting for me. Life has been slapping me with reminders lately and this was undeniably one of them. To get back to my roots and reconnect with my character. I hope this inspires you to do the same. This world can always use some character reflection.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


Heavy hearted Photo by @eyesofjune ✨

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)


Censored by me for the fearful eyes.

Публикация от Rachel Williams (@rayvictoria)

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